AR Recovery Services Maximize Revenue


At MedClaimIQ, we provide a full spectrum of Accounts Receivable (AR) management services, specializing in the recovery of overdue revenue from accounts aged more than 120 days. Our proven system is highly effective, demonstrating success in recovering funds from accounts that were previously considered lost causes. We pride ourselves on offering comprehensive solutions to ensure the optimal recovery of outstanding revenue for our clients.

Diverging from the norm in the medical billing industry, MedClaimIQ stands out by providing AR medical billing recovery services as a standalone option. Unlike other companies that bundle it within a comprehensive revenue cycle management package, we understand that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't suit the unique needs of every business. By offering standalone AR recovery services, we aim to cater specifically to your requirements, ensuring a tailored solution that addresses the distinctive aspects of your healthcare receivables.

Our billers are specially trained to recover the collectables from :

  • Worker's compensation
  • Medicare
  • Medicaid
  • Attorneys
  • Auto Accident
  • Commercial Insurance

MedClaimIQ’s 4-Part Strategy for AR Recovery:

Systematic Evaluation :

When our AR team embarks on account recovery for a new client, the initial phase involves a meticulous examination of each unresolved claim. We leave no stone unturned, identifying any recoverable claim, even those that may have expired or face other challenges. Our approach goes beyond targeting the "low hanging fruit" – unlike some medical billing companies that focus solely on high-dollar claims in aging AR. We understand the cumulative impact of smaller amounts and make sure to assess every claim that still holds the potential for payment, ensuring a comprehensive and thorough recovery process for our clients.

Systematic Evaluation

Prioritization :

Giving top priority to analyzing older unpaid claims, our team ensures that no claims expire before receiving proper attention. Leveraging advanced analytical tools to minimize medical account receivables, we proactively stay ahead of payers' requirements, aiming to secure the maximum revenue possible for you. Our commitment extends to consistent follow-ups with each payer, actively pursuing the recovery of overdue payments. This proactive approach allows you to concentrate on your practice, with the assurance that we are diligently safeguarding your bottom line.

Claim Correction and Re-submission :

Our committed taskforce ensures no claim is left unattended, rejected, denied, or underpaid due to a lack of follow-up. We go the extra mile by appealing each claim after making necessary corrections or clarifications, prompting a reconsideration of payment from insurance or government payers. In addition, we keep a vigilant eye on your claim denials and rejections, systematically identifying any recurring causes. Our aim is to permanently eliminate these issues from your revenue cycle management system, ensuring a smoother and more effective billing process.

Patient Communication :

Patient Communication

When our AR team identifies that the outstanding balance is the responsibility of the patient, we take a proactive approach. We generate a clear and comprehensible report, making it easy for the patient to understand, and promptly send it to them. If you prefer, we can also handle direct interactions with your patients, offering a personal touch without the concerns associated with collection agencies. Our approach is centered on ensuring that patients comprehend the charges and agree with the amount due, as we've observed that clarity significantly increases the likelihood of timely payments. Additionally, we are open to taking their phone calls and addressing any questions, providing comprehensive support to enhance the patient payment process.

AR Recovery Is One of Our Specialties

A substantial portion of annual revenue is often lost due to inadequate management of unpaid claims. At MedClaimIQ, our dedicated Accounts Receivable (AR) recovery team excels at securing reimbursements for what others might deem "uncollectible." In an industry where the likelihood of payment decreases with the passage of time, we defy the norm by refusing to give up on aging AR and unpaid bills.

Our approach involves immediate and proactive measures to identify and investigate every unpaid claim. While many medical AR billing services shy away from aging AR or demand exorbitant fees to handle it, our streamlined system allows us to operate efficiently and profitably on both old AR recoveries and low-value claims. These features highlight the strength and effectiveness of our AR recovery system at MedClaimIQ.

  • Claims Pursued
  • Prioritization For Maximum Recovery
  • Dedicated AR Recovery Team
  • Pay Only For Successful Reimbursement
  • Collection Ratios Over 90%
  • Appeal Rejections and Denials